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The 5 biggest mistakes New Hampshire drivers make

On Behalf of | Jun 2, 2020 | Motor Vehicle Accidents |

From the moment you put your car in drive, it’s critical that you’re “locked in” and ready to do whatever it takes to protect yourself.

Understanding the types of mistakes that other drivers may make can help you prevent an accident. These mistakes are among the most common:

  • Reckless driving: You see it time after time. Someone is driving excessively fast. Someone illegally passes you in the right lane on the highway. Someone blows through a stop sign or red light at a busy intersection. Every form of reckless driving greatly increases the risk of an accident.
  • Distracted driving: This isn’t just an issue in New Hampshire. It’s a major problem in every state across the country. Distracted driving takes on many forms, such as talking on the phone, eating, drinking and texting.
  • Drowsy driving: Anyone can become drowsy while driving, but this is most common among truckers who spend a lot of time on the road. When someone is drowsy, they find it difficult to obey the rules of the road and make sound decisions.
  • Drunk driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol greatly increases the risk of an accident. And even though there are strict laws in place to protect against drunk driving, it remains a top cause of accidents.
  • Ignoring inclement weather: It’s difficult enough to drive safely when the weather is perfect. So, if you add inclement weather to the mix, it’s even more challenging. This takes on many forms, such as rain, wind, snow and fog. When driving in bad weather, it’s important to adjust your approach to the road.

Even though you can personally avoid these mistakes while driving, you don’t have the ability to control others. And for that reason, you always have to concern yourself with the potential of an accident.

Should a negligent driver cause a crash, such as someone who is drowsy or drunk, turn your immediate attention to your injuries and the best way to receive treatment.

Once your health is stable and you’re knowledgeable in regard to your prognosis and treatment, file an insurance claim and take every step possible to hold the negligent driver responsible for their actions and your damages.
