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You could have a solid slip-and-fall case

On Behalf of | Jan 22, 2020 | Uncategorized |

Winter is here, and that means ice and snow abound. New Hampshire is not the warmest state, and most people are familiar with the steps they need to take to stay safe when it’s icy and snowy outside.

Unfortunately, there are still times when people don’t take their responsibilities seriously and leave ice on sidewalks or in entryways. As a result, others may get hurt and be able to file a slip-and-fall case.

Do you have a case if you slip and fall outside a business?

You might, but there are things that will have to be considered closely. For example, did the business owner know about the risk to clients? Had they been informed of the danger? Were they given time to correct it? All of these questions could play into whether you have a case or not.

To win a slip-and-fall case, you’ll need to prove fault. That’s not always easy, but it’s possible with the right information. Generally speaking, if the property owner could have been more careful or should have known about an issue and repaired it, then you could have a case against them.

Property owners have a duty to maintain reasonably safe conditions

Property owners do have a responsibility to maintain a safe environment for their clients or visitors. For example, if a property owner has salted sidewalks, put out signs to warn about ice and done all they can to prevent you from falling but you still slip, they may not be liable. However, if they were informed about a patch of ice and haven’t bothered to correct it, then that might be a different situation.

What do you need to do to win a slip-and-fall case?

To win a case, you will need to show one of three things. First, you could show that the property owner or their employees knew of a dangerous condition based on what a reasonable person would know. For instance, if it’s snowing, most reasonable people know it may become slick.

Next, you could show that the property owner or employee knew about the condition and should have taken steps to fix it. If they did not, that’s another positive in your favor.

Finally, you could show that the property owner or their employees caused the hazard and therefore your injuries.

No two cases are alike, but if you have the right information about it and can show that you were unfairly exposed to hazards, you may have a good case.
